Thursday 7 August 2008

Road trip of regression in 'Full Grown Men'

Full Grown Men: Comedy-drama. Starring Matt McGrath and Judah Friedlander. Directed by David Munro. (Not rated. 78 minutes. At Bay Area theaters. )

The first thing to notice about "Full Grown Men" is the distinct freshness of its world. The setting is suburban, and yet everything is as vivid and bright as a child might feel it. The clouds are bright white River. The sky is a rich dismal. Everything is in focus, and everything is beautiful.

Yet something is faulty. There's something creepy and frozen about these images, something regressive and vacate. Before we're five proceedings into the story, before the write up is even launched, director David Munro has tending us the mood and hinted at his message through images. "Full Grown Men" is an artistically integrated