Saturday 24 May 2008

Where will Minnie Driver give birth?

Minnie Driver is unsure where to give birth.

The actress is torn between delivering her baby - which is believe to be due in August - in her native UK or the US, where she spends most of her time.

A source revealed: “Minnie’s facing a real dilemma.

“She has become very attached to America. A big part of her would be very happy to have her child there as it’s her adopted home.

“But equally, she has a strong emotional attachment to England, and likes the ideas of her baby being born a proper Brit.

“She’s not sure what to do.”

A friend of the 38-year-old actress recently revealed she is considering a water birth.

The pal said: "She’s thinking about using a birthing pool and has been speaking about all the different places that it could go in her house."

Minnie is refusing to name the baby’s father, but has quashed speculation it is musician Craig Zolezzi.

She said: "He's my great friend and he's been so cool about it. I want to shield the baby's dad as much as I can because it wasn't his choice to get roped into all this stuff."

The Good Will Hunting star would only say the mystery man is British, "sort of in the same business and really busy".

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